Friday, November 23, 2012

can not find by apt-cache -> run apt-get update

I re-installed ubuntu 12.10 today. Then the first thing I like to do is install chrome. I downloaded the deb and run dpkg to install. It prompts a missing package called libgconf2-4. Routinely, I run apt-cache to look for this guy. But I can not find it. This pissed me a bit.

Think it over, I probably need to update my apt-cache. So I run apt-get update. This is better. Now I can find libgconf2-4 from apt-cache.

A good think about apt is it remembers missing packages, so now you just need to run "apt-get -f install", that will install the be spoken libgconf2-4.

nice and easy~ I won't be afraid to run into this again. haha